Wednesday, April 17, 2024



April 16 2024
Dubai International Airport 🇦🇪 has recorded nearly 160 mm (6.3 inches) of rain in the last 24 hours. For context, most of the Dubaï metro typically averages 3.5 inches per year. This is truly a historic event for the area.

This is where Hashem is reminding the mega-rich with their tallest buildings that they are no match for His power.

And no it's not cloud seeding, CERN or weather manipulation, which are the preferred conspiracy theories for this event.

It was Napisiti and Atu: green and purple respectively.  They blocked the sun, turned day into night, turned roads into rivers and the sky turned green.  Here's a few videos to show you how it looked.  This is real, nothing is photo-shopped or AI, we don't need to do that because Hashem is doing it for us.

This is Napisiti approaching. I've shown you this so many times before, it's obvious.

The strobe lightning

Pink lightning, it was very pink in the video which I couldn't download

Sky turned green

Day turned into night

Roads turned to rivers

If you want to see more examples of Napisit, Atu and the rest click on the WONDERS label underneath this post.

Miracles of War, Freedom, Gerim and Kindness

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Believe it or Not

I can't seem to stay off my blog, there is always something that needs to be said.

The miracle of the Iranian missiles causing very little damage and not even one death was over-looked and over-shadowed by all the conspiracy theories.  People chose to believe the conspiracies rather than acknowledge the incredible miracle that occurred.

That is called AMALEK.  Anything that causes you to doubt Hashem's power and an open miracle is Amalek.

I expect morons on the internet to think it was a conspiracy because they don't understand how Hashem protects Israel, they don't understand miracles, and they think it must have been a set-up because there is no other rational explanation for how so many missiles were sent but they were all blocked by Israel's defense system.  

I didn't expect that some orthodox Israelis and other Jews around the world,  especially those who are awaiting Moshiach, to agree with the conspiracy theories and point the finger at the Israeli government, claiming it was a plot and the world had been fooled into thinking it was really an attack.

I think people have stopped believing in miracles. Even though we are in the MONTH OF MIRACLES.

The other thing that annoys me is that people say to me that it is IMPOSSIBLE to believe that a second solar system is passing us by,  and that the world would be knocked off it's axis etc etc.   

Let me tell you.... nothing is impossible if Hashem is doing it. Hashem can do whatever He wants, and even if you think it can't be possible..... it is possible.

I see things in a different way to a lot of you.... sometimes I think I just want to get off the internet completely because I seem to be talking a different language or something.... but conversely that is the reason why I need to be here.

Miracles are happening all around us.  Look at the comment I posted here about Dubai, and the sun being blocked and the sky turning green and the airport being flooded like a river.  When have you ever seen the sky turn green?   Answer: only when Napisiti is above.  Because Napisiti is green, just like Atu is purple and gives us purple skies and purple lightning.

I don't care if it's IMPOSSIBLE.  It's happening and Hashem is doing it, just like Hashem controlled the missiles from Iran.  

When you believe it, you will see it.    Hashem can do anything at all.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Two Birds

Then the kohen shall order, and the person to be cleansed shall take two live, clean birds, a cedar stick, a strip of crimson [wool], and hyssop. [Metzora 14:4]

Rashi explains that since tzara'as comes about because of lashon hara, the person being purified must bring two birds, for birds ''constantly twitter with chirping sounds''.

The Talmud Yerushalmi [Berachos 1:2] cites the words of R' Shimon bar Yochai:  ''If I would have been standing on Har Sinai at the time the Torah was given to the Jewish people, I would have requested before Hashem that He create two mouths for man.  One mouth would be for the purpose of toiling in Torah study, and the second would be for the purpose of allowing him to speak about his ordinary needs.''

Later, R' Shimon bar Yochai changed his mind, and he said:  ''If the world cannot withstand man's slander when he has only one mouth, how much more so would this be the case if he had two mouths.''

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Friday, April 12, 2024

What Will Happen When The True Messiah Comes

Rabbi Tovia Singer - duration 16 mins

The Magnetic Star

Someone sent me this video, which is only in Hebrew and no English sub-titles.... but fortunately for me someone translated it and so I can share this news with you.  

For most people, the information contained in the video would not be exciting, but because I've been talking about passing planets and a sun [Star] behind our sun, it made me extremely excited.

Rav Shlomo Elmaliach is speaking about a Magnetic Star that only appears THREE times in the history of the world.  He says it is the star that "all the scientists are talking about". [Note: I don't know which star he is referring to here]

The first time it appeared was during the Mabul [flood] - Jewish year 1656 - where it caused volcanoes to erupt, earthquakes and of course floods.  

He does not mention the second time, but perhaps it was Yetziat Mitzrayim - Jewish year 2448 - [he didn't say that, I am just suggesting it].   

Then he said that in the 7th Millenium, the ocean will cover the whole earth and only Eretz Yisrael will not be underwater.

End of video information.

I'm a bit confused, because I thought that in the 7th Millenium [from the year 6000] the entire world would be Israel.  Maybe he is saying that all the lands will join together, like they were joined in the first place [Pangea], and the land will be surrounded by water.

Anyway.... to get back to this magnetic star.  

According to the man who discovered the binary system, Samuel Hofman, the universe is electro-magnetic.  It is not gravitational.  Gravity exists on Earth.  The planets push away from us using electro-magnetic storms, hence the purple lightning and flashing strobe lightning that we've been seeing.  I've seen it, maybe you haven't seen it, but I have shown you videos.  I don't know if Hofman is correct, or not, I'm just telling you what he says.  

Some of these planets bring the rain bombs, I've shown you videos of that.  Here and here.  The two planets that cause the most rain are Napisiti and Atu.  Napisiti causes such immense flooding that deserts have turned green and rivers run through the streets in some places.

So when I'm sent a video about a Rabbi speaking about a Magnetic Star that will cause flooding on the earth, I obviously put two and two together.  You can make up your own mind, I'm just presenting you with the information.

The 4/8 Eclipse: What You Didn't See

This is a photo taken during the eclipse by Ryan Richard

I put this up yesterday but some people couldn't find it.

I made a new Page of videos showing the things you didn't see during the Eclipse:  click here to see it

"Pages" are listed right under the blog header, I don't know if you can see that if you're using a phone. They stay there permanently - unless I decide to delete them.